As mentioned earlier, this component is combined in the same source file ( rss_feed_aggregator. php) along with the feed aggregator component. 我们在前面提到过,这个组件与提要聚合器组件一起被放在同一个源文件中(rssfeedaggregator.php)。
The changes it brings have affected production and, combined with high feed cost, boosted consumer prices. 这一规定带来的改变已经对鸡蛋生产造成了影响,再加上高饲养成本,使得消费价格上涨了。
The combined stream then flows to the surge section of the Feed Reactor Drum. 合并后的物流然后流入进料反应罐的缓冲段。
Study of anti-mold effects of combined antifungal agent for pellet feed 复合型防霉剂对草颗粒防霉效果的研究
China added power capacity last year equal to the entire grids of the UK and Thailand combined, 90 per cent of it coal-fired, to feed its growing stack of steel, aluminium and cement plants and the like. 为了给一座座拔地而起的钢铁厂、炼铝厂、水泥厂提供电力,仅去年一年,中国新增的发电能力就相当于英国和泰国全部发电能力的总和,而其中90%来自于燃煤发电。
Moreover, the construction process control of the bridges was made as well by the construction control method of combined self adaption and feed back. 采用自适应和反馈结合的施工控制方法进行施工过程控制。
Experimental Study on the Structural Parameter Optimization and Performance of the Combined Studded Feed Roller Seed Metering Device 钉轮组合式排种器结构参数优化及其排种性能试验研究
Several methods of self-reinforce polymers by meaning of injection molding are introduced, and combined with technology of MIM, from the point that the effect of injection parameters on molding-filling performance of feed stock. 通过介绍注射成型聚合物自增强的几种方法,结合金属注射成形工艺,从注射成形参数对喂料充模性能影响的角度,论证了这几种方法在金属注射成形中的应用可行性。
As peak load units, the combined Cycle power plants were noted for frequent load variation and fluctation feed water flow. 作为电网调峰机组的联合循环电站具有负荷变化频繁、给水流量波动大的特点。
Besides, According to the understanding of operational mechanism of the combined studded feed roller seed metering device, the author has formulated a mathematical equation to calculate the thickness of seed tugged by the studded feed roller and analyzed the factors to affect the thickness. 对钉轮组合式排种器工作机理进行研究,建立了计算钉轮组合式排种器的拖带层厚度的数学表达式,分析了影响拖带层厚度有关因素。
Application Result of Frequency Control of Motor Speed Technique Combined with Pressure Transmitter and SWP Intelligent Instrument in Boiler Feed Water 变频调速技术结合压力变送器和SWP智能仪表在锅炉给水方面的应用效果
Comparative Study on Digestion Rates of Coarse Cellulose between Combined Bamboo Powder Feed and Regular Feed for Giant Panda 人工饲养大熊猫竹粉配合料与常规料粗纤维素消化率的比较研究
The system is a combined close loop system with forword feed control device. It can resolve the contradiction between stability and steady accuracy, and rise the control accuracy. 该系统是一种带前馈环节的复合闭环系统,它解决了稳定性与稳态精度的矛盾,提高了控制精度。
On the basis of processing experiment of traditional USM, the material removal mechanism of ultrasonic milling is studied by analyzing the combined effect of tool's ultrasonic oscillation, rotary and feed movement of machine. 在传统超声波加工工艺规律研究的基础上,探索了在工具作高频振动和旋转运动以及机床进给三种运动综合作用下超声波铣削加工的材料去除机理。
Different processing flows for different ores beneficiation and combined ore beneficiation-hydrometallurgy can increase ore feed in hydrometallurgy and the recovery of accompanying elements and reduce the costs of hydrometallurgy. 对不同的矿石用不同选矿或选矿-水冶联合流程,可有效地提高水冶供矿品位和回收伴生元素,降低水冶成本。
Although self-driving power head for combined machine tool has been obsolete, such typical speed-regulating loop as feed power supply still has a bright future due to its high speed-stiffness and efficiency. 虽然组合机用自驱式动力头已被淘汰,但作为其进给动力源的该调速回路,由于其速度刚性和效率均高,仍将有广泛的用途。
According to process requirements of Shell coal gasification process, combined with the characteristics of feed coal of Anqing chemical fertilizer plant, limestone at different ratios was blended into the feed coal, and then the ash melting point was determined. 根据Shell粉煤气化工艺要求,结合中石化安庆分公司化肥装置原料煤的特性,在原料煤中加配不同比例的石灰石,然后测定其灰熔点;
The antibiotics function of the chitosan combined agent on the feed of poultry 壳聚糖复合剂在家禽养殖中替代抗生素的研究
The technology of combined feed back amplifiers and combined DAC for building the 24 bits standard DAC used in the system make it have high accuracy, very small differential linearity error, very small drift and amplitude error. 该装置采用组合放大器和组合DAC技术构成24bits标准DAC,使之具有很小的微分线性误差、积分线性误差、零点误差和增益误差。
In the function, this paper combined providing goods information with B2B. At the same time, it also provides RSS feed so that visits can aggregate all of news sources with RSS reader. 网站的功能方面,本文将单纯的企业提供商品信息,同B2B的功能相结合。另外,并提供了供求信息的RSS输出,便于访问者在RSSReader中接收网站的相关信息。
A gas sensor array is combined with a forward feed neural network to form a gas identification system, and experiments are done to analyze the influence of the signal preprocessing algorithms and the forward feed neural network's structure and parameters on the system's performance. 将气体传感器阵列与前馈神经网络模式识别技术相结合形成气体辨识系统,通过实验比较了不同的传感器信号预处理方法、前馈神经网络的结构和参数对气体辨识系统性能的影响。
An Application Example of The Dichroic Subreflector Combined Feed Technique 双色副面组合馈电技术应用实例
Design of a Combined Dust Collecting System for Feed Mills 饲料厂组合除尘系统设计
The diet without mixed vitamin combined with forages feed can obtain the same result as the with mixed vitamin. 饲料中不添加混合维生素,但与青饲料结合投喂也能起到与添加混合维生素相同作用。
Then using this model, combined with the maximum undeformed chip thickness, the relationship between feed rate and cutting depth while germanium crystal cutting in Ductile is obtained. 利用该模型,结合最大未变形切削厚度,得到进给量和切削深度在塑性域切削时两者之间的关系。
To solve specific issue, this paper designs a combined heat exchanger, using boiler feed water and bathwater as low temperature heat source to recover the heat. 针对具体问题,设计组合式热管换热器,使用锅炉给水和洗澡水作为低温热源来回收燃气锅炉烟气余热。
For the characteristics of tight coupling and large time delay, a control strategy that combined feed forward control and sample adjustment is adopted in this paper. 针对管网的强耦合性和大滞后性的特点,本文提出了采用全局调节、前馈调节和采样调节相结合的混水管网调节方式。
Under the combined effect of the feed movement of the roller and the rotary movement of the blank, the local plastic deformation gradually extends to the entire surface of billet until the desired shape is achieved, when the spinning process is completed. 在旋轮的进给运动和坯料的旋转运动共同作用下,使局部的塑性变形逐步地扩展到坯料的全部表面,直到达到要求形状,完成零件的旋压加工。
Combined with FEM software of ANSYS and dynamic simulation software of ADAMS, the simulation model for the linear feed system was established. 结合有限元分析软件ANSYS、动力学仿真软件ADAMS建立直线进给系统多柔性体的机电耦合仿真模型。
For huge forging press exists the influence of nonlinear friction and uncertainty under low speed, designes the friction compensation controller, and then proposes a compound control method combined friction feed forward compensation control and feedback control based on PID. 针对大型模锻压机极低速运动存在非线性摩擦影响与不确定性的特点,设计了摩擦前馈补偿控制器,并提出了结合摩擦前馈补偿控制与基于PID的反馈控制的复合控制方法。